Hi, I'm Fahmi Idris. A Software Engineer based in Bogor Regency, West Java, Indonesia.

Welcome to my digital garden, where I share valuable insights and knowledge about website development, empowering developers to grow, while showcasing remarkable projects and curated code snippets I have created.

<Hello.World />
<Halo.Dunia />

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein


My career as a software engineer has been enriched with invaluable experiences.

These are a multitude of historical experiences that I have gone through until now, and they have significantly contributed to my ongoing personal growth.

  1. Intern as a Frontend Developer at PT. Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara (eFishery)

    Being behind the scenes of an innovation-rich industry during my internship at eFishery has been one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

  2. Frontend React.js Class Bootcamp in the Candradimuka Jabar Coding Camp 2021 Program

    Participated in Bootcamp scholarship activities from Jabar Digital Service for approximately 8 months. This was the first step in my career as a software engineer.

  3. Intern as a Staff Kapus Evaluasi Mutu (LPPPM) at the Indonesia Defense University

    This is my first internship experience. All 11th grade students are required to take part in this internship and I was placed at the Indonesia Defense University.


Highlighted projects from practical results to real-world solutions.

Explore some of the projects I've worked on. Some of them are open source, you can see the code and are free to do whatever you want with it.

Bisnis Bangjeff

Landing page and website creation request form.

Fahmi Idris Links

Link in bio tool built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Notion API.